For general questions and requests, and non-emergencies, please text Member Support at 201-497-0312. We typically respond within 3-5 business days.
Monday - Friday : 7am - 1pm​​ ** Sunday & Saturday: Temporarily closed​
American Woman Swim & Fitness Centers
Bergen County's favorite women-only wellness center
** Book classes, reserve pool time, and view your account
Session Packages
If you are unsure which membership is right for you, are unable to commit to a schedule, or just want to try out something new sessions packages are a good fit. We are all about flexibility!
You may use session passes for group classes, spin, aqua fitness classes, open gym time, and lap lane swim.
Try everything AWSF has to offer!
Session Package Options:
Single drop-in session for Pool, Class, or Gym - $15
10-pack of sessions for Pool, Class, or Gym - $99 with 8 month expiration
Single drop-in session for Pool, Class, or Gym - $25
10-pack of sessions for Pool, Class, or Gym - $199 with 8 month expiration
10-pack of sessions for Pool, Class, or Gym - $99 with 3 month expiration
Full Access Day Pass (try a mix of services) - $35